Add a personalized touch to your wedding day by crafting your very own wedding favors. Invite your friends and family to help! This is a fun filled craft event where everyone gets to learn, play, and create all while helping you have beautiful favors for your wedding guests!
Choose from:
Flower Pressed Clay Ornaments
Floral Clay Magnets
All Natural Bug Repellant- smells great and ideal for outdoor weddings
Lip & Body Balm
Essential Oil Rollers
LooseLeaf Tea in A Glass Bottle
Mini Maple Syrup Jars
Mini Wish Jars
Mini Ceramic Vases
Pine Cone Fire Starters (great for Autumn wedding!)
Natural Dyed Handkercheifs
*These parties are packaged priced, for example 100 items may be $400, and all materials are provided. You can book an event with us at a venue, we can come and set up at your house, or we can package everything for you to host your own event.